I know we are all happy that Spring is finally here after such a long dark winter with the pandemic and no Mardi Gras. I'm grateful to be vaccinated and will wear a mask for as long as it takes to get this thing over with so we can get back to full throttle in New Orleans. I desperately miss live music! I have 2 new prints coming out next week that will work nicely as a pair and have special pricing for the pair if you want that option.

The prints are of one of my favorite subjects, our Mandarin Chair, a much beloved family heirloom. It is unique among Mandarin chair styles. We have never been able to find one like it when we search online, looking for any information about it. "Marriage of Past and Present" is about when I first moved to New Orleans 12 years ago and I painted my little kitchen lipstick red to go with its black and white tile floor. I included the Quaker parrots in the wallpaper because they were nesting on Laurel near my house. I'd never seen wild parrots before and I fell in love with them! Then 4 years later along came the man of my life with his Mandarin Chair. So this tells a little piece of my story. The "Portrait of Mandarin Chair #3" has my grandmother's Blue Willow China on the wall as homage to her. I lived with her when I was very young and I loved her Blue Willow even as a small child. Her Blue Willow appears in some of my other work.

You can see a selection of my work and prints at The Ogden Museum Shop, Studio Waveland, Waveland, MS, and a broader selection online at Where Y'art and New Orleans Art Center. Or come see what I'm currently working on -studio visits always welcome!


Thoughts about where I'm headed with what I paint


So glad it's 2021!